The following instructions require mechanical skills and knowledge of the relevant BMW
workshop manuals and installation instructions. Unless otherwise explicitly stipulated,
follow the official the BMW directions, sizes, weights, torsional moments, installation
manuals etc.
1. Disassembly
1.1 Remove cylinder heads and cylinder,
1.2 Remove both pistons and their connecting-rods.
1.3 Examine the condition of the cylinder heads especially valve guides.
1.4 Remove camshaft.
2. Assembly
2.1 install the enclosed camshaft.
Install on one side first and when complete, continue on the other side. Follow the BMW moments /torque /measures and all BMW installation requirements. Use only the enclosed SPECIAL 12-cornered 3/8" NUT for installing the ARP bolts into the connecting rods.
The connecting rod ARP bolts have to be "elongated". This can be achieved by a special device to 0.0054 to 0.0058 inches or via "multiple tighten down" and "multiple loosening" them as described below.
The thread and the surface under the bolts head are greased "from the factory" with molybdenum-grease because the friction during tightening is 20-30% less than when using normal engine oil.
2.2 Install new bearings in the first connecting rod, and insert one conrod in the engine according to BMW installation instructions. Please note the correct mounting location of our asymmetrical conrods.
WARNING: Pay attention to the clearance of the conrods and bolts. If you install the connecting rod the WRONG way, it will touch the crankshafts' balance weights when you turn the crankshaft half a revolution by hand.
2.3 Tighten the conrod-bolts to 36Nm.
2.4 Loosen both conrod-bolts a little.
2.5 Tighten again to 36Nm.
2.6 Loosen the bolts again.
2.7 Tighten the bolts a third and final time to 36Nm. Now the connecting rods bolts are elongated and assembled correctly.