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Voltage Regulator - BMW F Bike, Hexhead, S Bike, Scooter; 12 31 9 467 618, 12 31 8 523 367, 12 31 7 718 422/ EnDuraLast
12318523367, 12317718422,12 31 9 467 618,12319467618,C600 voltage regulator,C650 voltage regulator,F750 voltage regulator,F850 voltage regulator,F900 voltage regulator,HP4 voltage regulator,R1200 voltage regulator,R1250 voltage regulator,R18 voltage regul
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Part #: EDL-VoltRect618

Combination Electronic Voltage Regulator & Rectifier with very accurate regulation of the output power that allows for a perfectly stable charge rate of the battery across the RPM range.

NOTE: This is a shunting style R/R

Vehicle Manufacturer: BMW
Application: BMW F Bike, Hexhead, S Bike, Scooter Models
Make/Model: BMW:C600, C650, F750, F850, F900, HP4, R1200, R1250, R18, S1000
Model Years: 2008 - 2020
Manufacturer #:
12 31 9 467 618,12 31 8 523 367, 12 31 7 718 422

(See APPLICATION TABLE tab BELOW to verify vehicle fitment)


BMW List Price $316.73
USD Price $125.75
BUY NOW $109.00

Quantity in Stock:1


Application Table
Also see: EDL-Stator420 for associated alternator stator (for S & HP4 models only)

See BMW Service Bulletin here

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