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Stator - Hi Output; BMW HP4 & S1000; 12 31 7 718 420 (Generator) / EnDuraLast
Stator, HP4, S1000R, S1000RR, 12 31 7 718 420,  BMW, Electro Sport, Electrosport, ESG845, 12317718420, 12 31 7 718 422 , 12317718422, HP4 stator, stator s1000, stator S1000R, stator S1000RR, stator HP4, stator bmw S1000R, stator bmw S1000RR, stator bmw HP
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Part #: EDL-Stator420

EnDuraLast Stator for BMW 400 watt alternator. New Premium Quality Aftermarket Stator Replaces OEM stator

Vehicle Manufacturer: BMW
Application: BMW HP4, HP4 Race, S1000R, S1000RR
Model Years: 2008 - 2018
Vehicle Mfg. Part #: 12 31 7 718 420 for entire generator
Power Rating: 400 Watts / 33 amps

BELOW to verify vehicle fitment)

Original Equipment Quality
List Price $1,408.90
USD Price $249.00
BUY NOW $199.99

Quantity in Stock:5

Part #: EDL-STATOR420

Technical Specs Application Table
Stator offers a beautiful flat power output across the RPM range and it also runs much cooler than the stock BMW stator, which drastically improves reliability. High grade lead wires are used that feature heat and chafe resistant insulation as well as high quality rubber seals which provides an insulation coating making this stator a plug-and-play replacement of the OEM BMW unit.

Also see:
EDL-VoltRect422 for associated voltage regulator/ rectifier combination

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